Welcome to skendy!

Feb 15, 2023

Hello everyone, welcome to skendy!

Do you feel like you're constantly drowning in personal administration tasks like sorting through paper mail? If so, our new application is made just for you! We're here to simplify your life, save you time, and allow you to focus on more enjoyable things.

Right now, we're in the development stage of our minimum viable product (MVP). While we took note of how to be lean from Eric Ries, the author of 'The Lean Startup', we found it difficult to remain lean when working on a product we truly love and want to make as perfect as possible. Therefore, it's taking us some time to finish.

However, once we launch our beta version, we'll be able to offer multiple features and a seamless user experience from the start. The first 200 users will enjoy free usage of some of our features for six months. As with any MVP, we might encounter some issues, and we ask for your forgiveness as we're also learning in the process.

We're always looking to improve, so please reach out and let us know how we can be better. We highly appreciate your feedback and believe users provide the most valuable insight and input in creating any product. In the future, we'll implement mechanisms for you to provide us with ideas for new features, and we'll build and add the most popular ones while taking you along in the entire process.

To give you an update, our design phase is complete, and we're coding day and night with a highly motivated team to finish skendy. as soon as possible. So keep following us on LinkedIn, the blog on our website, TikTok, Instagram, and Facebook, as we'll provide you with fun content and inspire you to make your life easier with skendy.

If you're interested, please sign up for our mailing list, and you'll be the first to know when our beta launches.

Until then,

Best Regards from the skendy. team

The beta is launching soon!

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